Participation of ValBiom in this first information session – Promotion of the Interreg ValBran project.
DETIC Institute is organizing a series information sessions dedicated to the Bioeconomy. The session of September 26, 2018 was devoted to the basics of the circular economy and in particular the biosourcing of raw materials (opportunities, challenges, experiences …).
Target audience: companies active in the sector.
- Introduction : la bioéconomie – Outil de l’économie circulaire – Sylvie Meekers – Life sciences advisor, Bio.be
- Valorisation de la Biomasse – Céline Géradon – Chef de projet Produits et matériaux biobasés, ValBiom
- Importance du Bio-sourcing dans l’ACV – Frederick Warzée – Head of Communication and Sustainability, DETIC
- Guidelines Biosourcing AISE – Francesca Angiulli, Sustainability Manager, AISE
- Biosurfactants – normes et standards – Horacio Hormazabal, AFNOR, secrétaire du CEN TC 276
- Biosolvants – Samir Andaloussi – Sales Engineer Benelux, Special Fluids, Total
- Norme Iso 16128 1/2 sur la naturalité – Elsa Dietrich – International Relations Manager, Cosmetics Europe
- Evaluation de la Naturalité pour une Innovation Durable – Michel Philippe – Sustainable Innovation Manager, L’Oréal
More information? http://www.detic.be/fr/infosession-bioeconomie