Exploring Lignocellulosic Biomass 2018 – Challenges and Opportunities for Bioeconomy
June 29, 2018 – Reims
ELB 2018 congress was dedicated to the different uses of lignocellulosic resource in both agroecosystems and biotechnology. ELB 2018 congress further aimed at providing an overview of the challenges of
- lignocellulose biotransformation in soils, in relation to their fertility and to climate stabilization,
- lignocellulose conversion by bio-physico-chemical processes to produce biobased chemicals, materials and fuels. The socio-economic point of view was also discussed in the context of the emerging bioeconomy.
Audience: More than 130 scientific attendees from academic labs and industries participated to the meeting, together with renowned international experts who presented their work and foresight.
Organizing Committee
Caroline RÉMOND (Chaire AFERE, FARE-URCA/INRA), project leader of the ValBran project.
Friday 29 June 2018 – Session 5
Lignocellulose as a source of biomolecules for energy and platforms molecules
Presentation: “Enzymatically-synthesized alkyl pentosides and pentose-based esters, as surfactants of interest”
- ELB 2018: abstract book
- ValBran presentation (FR): “Valorization of wheat bran into green surfactants”